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andrea jung's makeover of avon product inc. 24 / 6467
Decline stage of Product 5 / 1184
Product Endorsement 16 / 4229
Product Liability 9 / 2367
Product, positioning, segmentation 5 / 1288
Product 1 / 205
5 innovative product and their marketability 10 / 2691
: Product Economics And Profitability 6 / 1611
A Product Life Cycle 0 / 0
A Study Of Advertisements In relation To Affectivity And A Comparison Of Two Adverts On The Same Product But Differing Brands 7 / 1835
A critical review of the ways in which marketing thought is evolving in response to current trends in the services marketing environment. 12 / 3111
About Product Process Matrix 12 / 3191
Aloha Product 3 / 571
American Home Product Case 2 / 292
American Home Product case 4 / 1092
Apple Product Life 5 / 1277
Apple'S History And Product Lines 4 / 854
As a recently appointed marketing manager to a local company you have been asked to convince the management team of the benefits of adopting the marketing concept. 6 / 1607
a very brief of legitimacy of islamic product in Malaysia 2 / 330
Branding in Product Marketing 2 / 383
Break Free From the Product Life Cycle 5 / 1209
CASE STUDY: MARKETING THE ‘LOST’ TV DRAMA ABC’S Integrated Marketing Strategy 8 / 2131
Case Title: The Clift Condominium - A Critical Evaluation of Strategic Planning and Marketing Techniques Used in Marketing a Condominium Project in Central Business District. 2 / 462
China Sport Product Market Analysis 2 / 558
Cigarettes in the Product Life Cycle 4 / 845
Coke- american idol product placement 4 / 941
Cost Leadership and Product Differentiation 2 / 540
counterfeit product issues 7 / 1856
Dealing With Perception In The Marketing Of A New Product At Snowy Snowboarding 2 / 471
Discuss the role of product positioning in consumer buying decision process and whether consumer involvement impacts on the role of product positioning in the decision process 4 / 1052
designing a quality product 27 / 7478
EXPERIAN – Entering a new market with a new product 4 / 1037
Economics - Product Pricing & Costs 6 / 1551
Estee Lauder Teams With Tom Ford On Signature Product Line 2 / 408
Evaluate The Usefulness Of The Product Lifecycle To A Firm 3 / 640
Examining The Impact Of Product Attributes On Perception Towards Brand Product 79 / 21971
eHarmony Product Analysis 3 / 620
F.A.B. Product Analysis 1 / 244
Fair trade product 12 / 3213
Gross domestic product 6 / 1672
Heinz Product and Technology Standards 6 / 1498
How do psychological factors and extended product (self) affect the consumer behaviour in buying brassiere? 8 / 2167
How is Scion addressing its Target Market with regard to Positioning and the Product itself? 12 / 3282
Introducing New Product into Foreign Market 2 / 443
Is a company able to increase brand equity for a product that is in the maturity phase of the PLC? 4 / 1006
Is product recall deteriorating in America 4 / 956
Kraft Foods Product Launch 12 / 3264
L'Oreal product line decline 2 / 535
Marginal utility theory, product differentiation, and revenue/profit maximization 6 / 1663
Market analysis for product software 5 / 1236
Market-Product Grid for Potato Chips 3 / 570
Marketing & Successful Marketing Practices 2 / 546
Marketing Plan - New Nivea Product 6 / 1453
Marketing a New Product 19 / 5251
Marketing and Product Objectives 2 / 432
Marketing and Sales: Conflict and Cooperation in Consumer Product Organizations 4 / 1115
Marketing issues:Green Marketing and Market Entry 14 / 3855
Marketing: Product Loyalty 7 / 1727
Marketing: The Importance Of Marketing In Organizational Success 3 / 685
Mcdonalds Product Mix 7 / 1916
marketing plan for a new product 7 / 1819
marketing report on loreal product 2 / 461
New Adidas Product Marketing Campaign 19 / 5257
New Product Dev. 11 / 3042
New Product Development 4 / 976
New Product Development 9 / 2257
New Product Development 12 / 3113
New Product Development 17 / 4526
New Product Development 25 / 6804
New Product Management 2 / 476
New Product Marketing Plan Counpon Scanner 16 / 4223
New Product Process 6 / 1410
New Product Proposal 3 / 608
New Watch Product Development Process 5 / 1303
New product idea 4 / 871
Nokia Product Categories 8 / 2227
Nokia Product Strategy 0 / 0
new product an dmarketing mix 5 / 1285
new product marketing 4 / 1029
Organic Product Research 7 / 1790
Product Analysis 1 / 186
Product And Pricing Decisions Starbucks 3 / 692
Product Concept and Definition 9 / 2437
Product Counterfeiting Puts Consumer Safety At Risk 5 / 1141
Product Development 3 / 649
Product Development 2 / 523
Product Globalization 14 / 3813
Product Liability Law 14 / 3733
Product Liability 9 / 2362
Product Life Cycle Analysis for the Apple iPod 6 / 1528
Product Life Cycle And International Product Life Cycle Economic And Marketing Perspectives 3 / 638
Product Life Cycle Of Fads &Amp; Trends 6 / 1577
Product Life Cycle 6 / 1512
Product Life Cycle 2 / 514
Product Life Cycle 2 / 506
Product Life Cycle 4 / 849
Product Life Cycle 2 / 326
Product Life Cycle 5 / 1170
Product Life-Cycle Model 3 / 562
Product Manager Report; Heinz, 1sr Paper 4 / 1090
Product Mix and New Product Development Strategies 3 / 575
Product Mix 5 / 1228
Product Planning 28 / 7599
Product Pricing 6 / 1496
Product Pricing 2 / 417
Product Propaganda 3 / 795
Product Review 2 / 294
Product Safety and Liability 4 / 964
Product Strategy Brief 3 / 744
Product Strategy of the British Airways: 12 / 3280
Product analysis 5 / 1363
Product and Service Design Pepsi 15 / 3992
Product differentiation 2 / 463
Product life cycle 9 / 2404
Product pricing component 9 / 2258
Proton New Product Management 15 / 4049
pride in the product 9 / 2497
product detail 2 / 288
product idea 2 / 444
product innovation 11 / 2983
product pricing: economics beef industry 5 / 1147
product strategy 2 / 442
QUESTIONNAIRE to lunch a new product 1 / 272
Reasons for a change in an Organisations Product or Service 3 / 672
Right Process, Right Product 4 / 891
Sony Computer Entertainment’s Core Product: PlayStation 8 / 2053
Strategic Retailing life cycles product 2 / 364
Summary of a Product Analysis 5 / 1200
structured product 1 / 181
summary of islamic financial product 3 / 729
The 4 Market Position and an example of a product 9 / 2424
The Product Life Cycle (PLC) and how it is used in marketing 2 / 403
The product offer 6 / 1489
Tourism Product Marketing 8 / 2200
Uae Product In Singapore 28 / 7622
Urgency Of New Product Development At Creative Technology 3 / 680
Vernon's product life-cycle 11 / 3046
WWF's Generic Product 1 / 239
What is known about the relevance of creativity and its promotion to successful product innovation? 17 / 4577
What is the Right Supply Chain for Your Product? 25 / 6828
Why volumes, prices, and margins vary over the product life cycle? 2 / 411
A Rhetorical Analysis of Hey's "Virtual Product Placement" 4 / 959
Buyer / Product Manager with 10 years experience 1 / 253
advertizing how they make there product sell 5 / 1353
analysis of product mix of bsnl 2 / 435
family as a product of the Environment 6 / 1531
product placement 12 / 3259
Consumer Preference Of ‘hen Product’ 50 / 13998
Product Liability : Example Case 5 / 1164
Product Life Cycle Stages Examples 9 / 2344
Product Mix 2 / 366
Air Product and Chemicals, Inc. 9 / 2496
Cigarettes - Addiction And Product Dangers 6 / 1565
Consumer product safety act 4 / 900
Explain How The Product Life Cycle Can Be Applied To An Industry Of Your Choice 3 / 685
Managing Product Safety: The Ford Pinto 9 / 2487
Marketing: Product Description 3 / 686
Mattel's Product Safety 7 / 1780
Nestle New Product development critique 3 / 563
Paper About New Product, Bount 17 / 4510
Pearl: A Product Of Nature 4 / 909
Process vs Product 2 / 358
Product Innovation 24 / 6526
Product Placement on American Idol A study of Burke's Pentad and Barthes Semiotics Theory 4 / 1061
Product Placement 6 / 1477
Product Testing: Toxic And Tragic 2 / 528
Product is form or function 14 / 3756
product mix 4 / 1017
product process matrix 4 / 860
Squirt Product Strategies 2 / 421
the main ethical considerations in relation to the production, distribution and marketing of a product such as tea 4 / 906
hollywood and product placement 6 / 1519
Intelligence: A Product of Social Construction 5 / 1361
Product Liability 6 / 1543
Product Testing: Toxic And Tragic 2 / 528
Product Placement 6 / 1638
how does the color of the product affect the buyer 3 / 816
influences of advertising to consumer attitude towards buying a product 17 / 4674
Product Placement on TV shows 4 / 865
Product Placement 4 / 987
product differentiation 3 / 583
the female care product 4 / 870
A review - Architectural Innovation: The Reconfiguration of Existing Product Technologies and the Failure of Established Firms 3 / 668
Ad Nauseaum: The Effects Of Product Placement On The American Television Industry 11 / 2823
Analysis Of Product Development At Dell Computer Corporation 0 / 0
Glocal Product Design: A Sustainable Solution For Global Companies In Regional And/Or Local Markets 16 / 4380
HR-Ease | Product Review 2 / 362
Indian IT Services Migration to Product Companies 3 / 564
knitwear product quality analysis and development of SPC plan 12 / 3281
marketing a new product 12 / 3218
New Product Development 26 / 7165
Next Generation Plm - An Integrated Approach For The Product Lifecycle 15 / 4198
Process and product innovations of Toyota 9 / 2505
Product Development 6 / 1546
Product Process Matrix 13 / 3617
Product Testing 6 / 1521
product study a2 food technology 7 / 1933


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