Title Pages / Words Save
Drinking and driving 4 / 1107
drinking 3 / 676
Drinking and driving 5 / 1145
drinking 1 / 257
Life Struggle on Minimum Wage 3 / 688
Lowering The Drinking Age 9 / 2339
teen drinking 4 / 945
Underage Drinking 7 / 1848
Business Law: Moral Minimum 5 / 1346
Effects Of The National Minimum Wage On Unemployment And Inflation 5 / 1212
How has the UK Labour Government kept Unemployment at a Minimum? 27 / 7420
How has the level of employment/unemployment and national minimum wage legislation impacted on the economy as a whole and how will this effect the economy in the years to come? 6 / 1595
Legal challenges in respect of legal approximation 17 / 4749
Minimum Wage Increase has a Maximum Impact 7 / 1874
Minimum Wage Laws 3 / 778
Minimum Wage Legislation 4 / 942
Minimum Wage 3 / 628
Minimum Wages and Employment: A Case Study of the 53 / 14786
Minimum Wages 4 / 852
minimum wage 6 / 1475
minimum wage 5 / 1289
Raising Minimum Wage 4 / 941
The Drinking Aga 3 / 789
The Effects of Higher Minimum Wage 7 / 1955
The effect of the minimum wage has on unemployment 11 / 2849
Binge Drinking 3 / 801
Drinking 101: College Drinking & Its Effects 7 / 1681
Drinking Age 11 / 2866
Drinking Age 3 / 629
Drinking Age 4 / 853
Drinking And Driving 4 / 856
Drinking and Driving 5 / 1194
Drinking from a helmet 3 / 695
Drinking 5 / 1215
Exploratory Essay: Is the Minimum Wage High Enough 6 / 1482
How the Characters in Tim Winton’s Minimum of Two struggle to cope with change 6 / 1664
a minimum of two 3 / 631
against lowering drinking age 2 / 523
binge drinking 4 / 844
binge drinking 4 / 1107
causes of underage drinking 4 / 936
drinking age 5 / 1224
drinking age 4 / 959
legal drinking age 2 / 474
Minimum WAge 2 / 494
Teen Drinking 8 / 2226
The Drinking Age 3 / 624
Underage Drinking 3 / 834
Underage Drinking 3 / 618
Underage Drinking 4 / 1048
Underage Drinking 4 / 848
Underaged Drinking 2 / 450
Why The Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered 3 / 762
lowering legal drinking age 5 / 1392
underage drinking 2 / 451
alternative minimum tax 2 / 301
Binge Drinking Aus 0 / 0
Drinking And Driving 0 / 0
Drinking 6 / 1451
MINIMUM WAGE 21 / 5851
Minimum Wage Debate 3 / 654
Alcohol and drinking 5 / 1297
age-drinking 13 / 3562
Binge Drinking 3 / 672
Binge Drinking 3 / 814
Change in Federal Minimum Wage 2 / 493
College Drinking 3 / 582
causes of binge drinking 8 / 2010
Drinking Age -- Lowered? 4 / 1082
Drinking Age Should Not Be reduced 1 / 264
Drinking Age 2 / 452
Drinking Age 4 / 859
Drinking Age 2 / 530
Drinking And Driving 1 / 149
Drinking And Driving 2 / 441
Drinking And Teens 1 / 164
Drinking Games 4 / 1042
Drinking age should be lowered 3 / 793
Drinking and Driving 1 / 266
Drinking is not everything 4 / 944
Drinking 1 / 56
Drinking 1 / 228
drinking age 3 / 654
drinking age 4 / 902
drinking and driving 10 / 2574
drinking on the job 2 / 454
Keep drinking age at 21 5 / 1185
Lower Drinking Age 2 / 468
Lower the Drinking Age 4 / 912
Lowering The Drinking Age 9 / 2339
Lowering the drinking age 2 / 387
lowering the legal drinking age 2 / 477
Minimum Wage Impact 11 / 2991
Minimum Wage 2 / 518
Minimum Wage: A Brief Study Of The Princeton Research 1 / 148
minimum of two 3 / 709
Pros and cons of sentencing guidelines and mandatory minimum sentences 2 / 450
Raising The Minimum Wage 2 / 532
Teen Drinking 0 / 0
The Art Of Drinking Tea 9 / 2432
The Drinking age 2 / 554
The Legal Drinking Age 1 / 161
The Minimum Wage And Why We Should Leave It 1 / 141
The alcohol drinking age 4 / 899
Unbderage Drinking 4 / 923
Underage Drinking 2 / 406
Underage Drinking 4 / 954
under age drinking 4 / 958
underage drinking 4 / 1062
Generating Performance from Minimum Wage Employees 7 / 1735
Underage Drinking 3 / 634
The 21 Drinking Age 5 / 1392
Binge Drinking 3 / 688
drinking 0 / 0
teen drinking 1 / 222
Against raising minimum wage 5 / 1256
Arguement against minimum drug sentencing 2 / 422
Argument - Drinking Age of 21 5 / 1213
Binge Drinking 4 / 948
Binge Drinking 6 / 1408
Binge drinking 7 / 1808
Causes of Teen Drinking 2 / 412
College Drinking 3 / 582
Drinking Age Consistent 2 / 543
Drinking Age Should Be Eighteen 5 / 1362
Drinking Age Should be 18 Years Old 3 / 801
Drinking Age 1 / 227
Drinking Age 2 / 452
Drinking Age 2 / 399
Drinking Age 2 / 489
Drinking Age 2 / 484
Drinking At 18 3 / 762
Drinking Laws 10 / 2571
Drinking age lowered to 18 8 / 2130
Drinking age 0 / 0
Drinking age 2 / 303
Drinking age 2 / 390
Drinking comes to an End 5 / 1223
Drinking 6 / 1455
Drinking 2 / 365
drinking age 2 / 404
drinking age 4 / 1050
drinking 5 / 1386
drinking 12 / 3190
How effective are the legal and non-legal responses in addressing the changing needs of women? 13 / 3640
LOwer the Drinking Age 4 / 897
Legal Drinking Age 3 / 682
Legal Drinking Age 3 / 751
Legal Drinking Age 6 / 1478
Lower Drinking Age 5 / 1182
Lower Legal Drinking Age 4 / 949
Lower The Drinking Age To 19 1 / 261
Lowering the Drinking Age 5 / 1169
Lowering the Drinking Age? 3 / 824
Lowering the Minimum Drinking Age 6 / 1505
lowering the drinking age to 18 2 / 421
Minimum Legal Drinking Age 2 / 290
Minimum Standards for Public Consent 6 / 1525
Minimum Wage debate 10 / 2578
Minimum Wage 0 / 0
Minimum Wage 3 / 634
Minimum Wage 4 / 1001
Minimum Wage 2 / 295
minimum wage troubles 4 / 1084
minimum wage 2 / 502
minimum wage 2 / 499
People's Drinking. 6 / 1593
Should Minimum Wage Be Increased? 3 / 828
Teen Drinking 4 / 1018
Teen Drinking 0 / 0
Teenage Drinking 3 / 786
The Drinking Age 7 / 1883
The Drinking Age: 21 For Everyone? 3 / 655
The Federal and State Minimum Wage Growth, and Inflation 8 / 2089
The Legal Drinking Age 2 / 338
teen drinking 2 / 551
the drinking age in america 3 / 672
the drinking age 3 / 593
Under Age Drinking 0 / 0
Under Age Drinking 3 / 820
Underage Drinking 5 / 1328
Underage Drinking 0 / 0
Underage Drinking 2 / 459
Underage Drinking 7 / 1833
Underage Drinking 4 / 996
Underage Drinking 2 / 376
Underage drinking 5 / 1361
Underage drinking 5 / 1156
under age drinking 2 / 361
underage drinking 6 / 1601
underage drinking 2 / 552
underage drinking 4 / 952
underage drinking 11 / 2808
underaged drinking 2 / 312
Why the drinking age should be lowerd to 18 4 / 923
what is the right drinking age? 8 / 2086
why the drinking age should be lowered to 18 8 / 2108


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