Why Custom Dissertation Writing Services Online Is a Good Option?
Many students think that writing a professional dissertation is a particularly challenging task and they are totally right. Being the most important assignment in your academic career, such a paper does not only influence your overall performance but also defines your future directions. It is not a secret that some dissertations can account for up to 70% of the total score. Those students, who cannot cope with this task successfully, prefer buying professional dissertation writing services from reliable companies. Such an approach helps them submit great papers without compromising their social and personal life. If you also feel that you are not qualified enough to work on such a complex and structured paper, feel free to rely on our professional writers, and we won`t disappoint you. We guarantee that choosing our company as your writing partner will become an extremely rewarding decision since our expert writers will provide you with the excellent paper that will explore your dissertation topic in such a way to bring you the expected grade.
Rely on Our Custom Dissertation Writing Service!
Writing a dissertation may take a lot of time not to mention enormous efforts spent on researching the appropriate sources and structuring the information into a complete piece that would meet the highest academic standards. What if we tell you that you just need to suggest a good thesis that will be followed by the discussion in which you will prove or disapprove it. Then, you will write a conclusion in which you will summarize all your arguments. Sounds easy, right? This simple formula is not even close to the real dissertation writing process. Like any other academic assignment, writing a dissertation requires diligent work on the prewriting and writing stages. In particular, you need to come up with an interesting topic that will provide you with a good field for research, create a research thesis that will outline the scope of your work, study the credible sources that will help you back up your ideas with solid evidence, and then compose each chapter of your professional dissertation following the professor`s requirements.
When the paper is written, do not submit it right away. Keep in mind that even if you think that your final draft is perfect, it needs revision. When reading and re-reading your paper, you need to make sure that every term is appropriate, the flow of your thoughts is clear and logical; every quote is cited properly, etc. Actually, there are a lot of aspects to consider because, when it comes to writing a professional dissertation, every detail matters.
If you feel that you are unable to cope with such a challenging task on a high level, do not waste your time and hire a professional dissertation writer working at our company. Experienced, knowledgeable, and expertized in various fields, our creative specialists will be able to assist you with any topic. At our professional service, you are free to order a whole dissertation or just its separate chapter. Either way, the job will be done on the highest level possible since we know how to write a dissertation abstract, dissertation methodology, dissertation literature review, dissertation discussion, dissertation results, and dissertation conclusion. Below, you will find a detailed list of dissertation chapters, as well as the information you need to know about each of them.
High-Quality Dissertation Chapters Assistance
You probably know what chapters are usually included in a dissertation. Only by completing all of them perfectly, you will be able to achieve a good result. Unfortunately, having poor writing, researching, or analytical skills, you won`t be able to compose a great dissertation. Each dissertation chapter requires much commitment since it should fill the whole project stylistically. Although you may think that some of the chapters are simpler than others, you should not underestimate any of the dissertation sections since each of them contributes to the overall result.
Dissertation Chapters Overview
In dissertation writing, every chapter is a building block that helps develop the dissertation topic. Of course, depending on the discipline or field of study, the structure of a dissertation may vary. However, there are the common chapters that should be present in every academic dissertation: an abstract, an introduction, a literature review, a methodology, a discussion, results, a conclusion, and a reference page. Even having a few months to complete such an important paper, you may find this time insufficient to develop your topic. Finding a professional Ph.D. dissertation writer will significantly facilitate your life since it will allow you to focus on other important tasks without compromising your academic performance.
The Importance of Writing a Dissertation Outline
If you want to achieve a proper organization of your ideas and arrange all your chapters in the right order, you need to create a good outline. Although many students mistakenly consider creating an outline a rather time-consuming activity, we assure you that it can actually save a lot of your time when writing the dissertation itself.
An outline will help you keep focused and ensure that each of your paragraphs is in the right place, whereas practicing free or spontaneous writing; you will probably confuse your reader. We assure you that maintaining the logical flow of your ideas is the integral requirement in dissertation writing and you should follow it precisely. As such, you need to keep in mind that an outline is not an obstacle but an instrument that helps overcome the obstacles in dissertation writing. What is more, having no outline, you will probably repeat your ideas in different chapters that will significantly compromise the overall quality of writing. In other words, an outline is a solid backbone of your research, which will help you develop your topic in different dissertation chapters. Having a good outline, you will get a clear vision of how your final paper will look like. As such, you will find it easier to notice the weak points in your dissertation and improve them.
Essential Reasons to Choose Our Company as Your Writing Provider
First and foremost, you should know that we are very attentive to your instructions. When you come to our service with the request “please, help me write my dissertation,” we read your instructions carefully to understand what specialist should be assigned to your order. All information you share with us will be studied by your writer to understand whether your topic is perfectly manageable. Our company is known for writing customized papers of premium quality that fully meet the needs and expectations of the customers. Encouraging direct communication between the writers and the customers, we are able to provide our clients with successful results.
If you want to order a professional outline for your dissertation, you can do it at our service as well. Our talented experts know how to brainstorm the ideas and how to work with the sources in such a way to create a detailed outline. Although the standards to writing a dissertation are universal, we create each of our dissertations from scratch combining the traditional approaches with the non-standard ones. When ordering your paper at Essaysbank.com, you can be sure that it will be unique and authentic because we rely on the most up-to-date plagiarism detection tools to ensure the complete authenticity of every paper. Unlike other writing dissertation writing services, we do not re-use the outlines or dissertations. Once you receive your paper, you get exclusive rights for it and we delete this piece from our system for the purposes of confidentiality. Finally, if you want to ask for some adjustments, do not hesitate to contact your writer directly or reach our support managers, who are working 24/7 to answer all your questions and solve all the problems that may appear very fast.
So, if you are looking for a writing team that will provide you with an adjustable and flexible outline or a structured dissertation, feel free to contact our professional team and you won`t regret it for sure.

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Dissertation Abstract
A dissertation abstract is a rather short chapter (300 words or less) that identifies the major aspects that will be presented in a dissertation paper. In particular, an abstract should include the following points:
An abstract allows the researcher to engage the reader and involve him/her informing about what will be discussed in the dissertation. Since your dissertation should provide your reader with a basic understanding of your work, you need to make it detailed and meaningful.
Common Types of Abstracts
Depending on the nature of the dissertation, there are four common abstract types. After careful consideration of your topic, you need to select the type that fits your research perfectly. Let us discuss each of the abstract types in detail:
Abstract Writing Tips
Although a dissertation abstract is the first chapter of the dissertation, many students reasonably prefer to compose it at the end of the writing process. A good strategy is to take the main sentences from all chapters when the paper is written and organize them into a well-structured abstract. It would be great if all these ideas will be connected to each other with the help of transition words or phrases that will make the flow of the ideas smooth and coherent.
The abstract should NOT include the following details:
- Lengthy background information;
- Redundant phrases and repetitive information;
- Abbreviations and acronyms;
- Unknown or confusing terms;
- Illustrations, graphs, tables, and other additional materials.
Dissertation Introduction
In dissertation writing, an introduction leads the reader from the wide and common subject area to a particular topic. It usually identifies the context, scope, and significance of the topic briefly summarizing the background information and stating the research question in the form of a problem. Also, in the introduction, the researcher may outline the potential outcomes along with the ways which would help them reach these outcomes.
The Purpose of the Introduction
The key goals of a dissertation introduction are as follows:
- To ensure that the researcher will summarize prior studies on the dissertation topic in a way that helps understand the problem from different angles;
- To explain how this particular dissertation will fill out the gaps in the topic analysis. For example, the researcher should explain whether there is some deficiency in literature, etc.
- Indicate the potential empirical, theoretical, and other contributions of the particular research.
An introduction is a particularly important part of a dissertation because one never gets the second chance to make an impression. As such, your introductory paragraph should provide the reader with the basic understanding of your argument, thesis, writing style, as well as your overall purpose of research. You should understand that a poorly organized or vague introduction will create a negative impression on your reader whereas an engaging, intriguing, and well-structured introduction significantly increases your chances of getting the excellent grade.
To make your introduction well written and well organized, we recommend you to answer the following questions:
Before you start writing your introduction, you need to think about the ways for information presentation. As such, you may provide your information in the form of an inverted triangle that would lay a foundation for understanding the research problem. According to this strategy, you need to suggest the general aspects of the topic at the very beginning of the introduction, gradually narrowing your analysis to more specific information that suggests the context, and only after that identify your research problem, as well as the rationale for its study.
Dissertation Hypothesis
Many students are afraid of writing a dissertation hypothesis since it requires creating a prediction claim based on the theory. Defending your hypothesis, you will have to suggest reasonable arguments supporting them with credible evidence. There are different types of dissertation hypothesis and if you want to get a satisfactory grade, you need to choose the one that fits your paper perfectly.
Common Hypotheses Types
A “null” hypothesis suggests that the relationship that will be proven in the research does not really exist. In its turn, an “alternative” hypothesis predicts a certain relationship. Besides, all hypotheses can be divided into “one-tailed” and “two-tailed” ones. A "one-tailed" hypothesis specifies a direction, whereas a "two-tailed" hypothesis specifies change instead of a direction.
Writing a Hypothesis for a Dissertation: Common Tips
A dissertation hypothesis should be written before gathering and collecting your data. A good hypothesis is always testable and contains an independent variable that is controlled by the researcher and a dependent variable, which is based on the independent one. For instance, you may take the media consumption as an independent variable and violence caused by it as a dependent variable. In this case, your research hypothesis will be as follows: “Extensive media consumption directly affects human violent behavior.” Make sure your hypothesis is brief and straightforward, as the unnecessary details will only confuse you and your reader.
Methodology Section
As the name suggests, this chapter usually describes the key methods or measures taken to investigate the problem. This section enables the reader to evaluate the study`s reliability and validity. A methodology section in a dissertation answers two main questions: how did the researcher gather and collect the data and how did they analyze it? Following the academic standards, you need to make your writing clear, direct, and precise. Besides, the methodology chapter is usually written in the past tense.
Common Research Methods Groups
In social sciences, there are two groups of research methods, which will be analyzed below.
The interpretative group of research methods is focused mainly on understanding the specific phenomenon in a holistic, comprehensive way. Such methods focus on disclosing the meaning-making practices (they explain why, how, and by what means something is done). Showing the essential mechanisms of the practices arrangement, the researcher finds it easier to generate observable outcomes. It should be also noticed that interpretive methodology allows the researcher to recognize the connection to the investigated phenomena. However, at the same time, these methods require a thorough examination of variables since they focus mainly on subjective knowledge.
The empirical-analytical methods explore the social sciences in a similar manner that the natural sciences. Such a research type is usually based on objective knowledge, research questions that can be answered simply “yes” or “no,” as well as operational definitions of variables that should be measured. The empirical-analytical methods use deductive reasoning that employs existing theory as a base for formulating hypotheses that will be tested. To put it simply, this approach is focused mainly on explanation.
Methodology Chapter Content
When writing a methodology chapter, you should begin it by stating the research problem and your assumptions once again. Then, you need to indicate the methods that will be utilized in order to gather, process and analyze the information. Keep in mind that these methods should perfectly fit the research design chosen for a study. If some of the methods chosen do not match your research tradition, make sure to provide a justification explaining how your choice of methods addresses the research problem in ways that have not been utilized in the existing studies.
In addition, your methodology section should cover the following aspects:
Your decisions in selecting the data, as well as the subject and setting examined (in case of qualitative research); |
Methods and tools used to collect and identify the necessary information along with the explanation of how did you identify the relevant variables; |
The ways in which you managed to process the data and the essential procedures used; |
The research strategies or tools that were used to study the hypothesis and research questions; |
Introduction of the common methodological approach used for investigating the research problem; |
Explanation of how these particular methods fit the research design chosen; |
Description of the specific methods used in research (interviews, surveys, observations, questionnaires, archival research, etc.); |
Background information and a rationale for methodologies that are unknown for your audience; |
Description of the potential limitations. |
Discussion Section
The main goal of a discussion chapter in a dissertation is to interpret and justify the significance of the findings considering what is already known about the problem from other scholars. This explanation is very important since it helps understand your insight about the research topic that emerged after the study of the problem. The discussion chapter in a dissertation is always connected to the introduction, as well as other chapters such as a hypothesis or a literature review. However, at the same time, a discussion is not a simple rearrangement of the first parts of the paper. On the contrary, this chapter should answer how can your paper advance the reader`s understanding of your research problem. A discussion is sometimes considered the most important part of your dissertation since it is the chapter in which you:
- Demonstrate your ability to think critically about the issue, as well as suggest creative and structured solutions to the problems based on the logical synthesis of your findings;
- Demonstrate the meaning of your research, mention possible implications in other areas of study, as well as suggest possible improvements.
- Emphasize the significance of your study and show how it fills the existing gaps in your research field;
- Engage the audience in critical thinking about the evidence-based interpretation of your major findings.
Common Rules
We highly recommend you to follow the rules below to compose your dissertation discussion chapter in a proper way:
- Do not be repetitive or verbose;
- State your points clearly and be concise;
- Avoid the use of undefined technical language and jargon;
- Develop your ideas and arguments in a logical order. Keep in mind that the flow of your thoughts should be easy-to-follow. Explain the significance of all your findings in the same sequence they are presented in your results section;
- Use the present tense, especially when it comes to stating the established facts. However, when referring to the prior studies, you need to use the past tense;
- In some cases, you may use subheadings, as they will help you organize your discussion in the right way or categorize your interpretations into themes.
Results Section
A results section is the chapter in which you report your findings based on the methodology you applied to gather the necessary information. This section should state the main findings of the research that will be arranged in a logical sequence without any interpretations or bias. A section describing results is truly important especially if your paper includes the data obtained from your research.
Importance of the Results Section
When writing a results chapter in your dissertation, you need to keep in mind that this section should not prove anything because findings are needed mainly to confirm or reject the research hypothesis. At the same time, writing this section helps the researcher understand the problem in detail breaking it into pieces and viewing it from different angles.
The length of this section depends on the type and amount of data to be reported. If you want to get a satisfactory grade, you have to be concise and use the non-textual elements such as figures and tables appropriately. When deciding what data should be used in the results chapter, you have to distinguish the information that would be normally included from the raw data from the content that can be included in the appendix. To put it simply, raw data that was not summarized previously should not be used in the main text of your paper unless it is not required by your instructor.
Providing the data that is not critical for developing your research question, you will never get the desired outcome. The background information described in your introduction should provide the audience with additional context or explanation necessary for understanding the results. It is always a good strategy to re-read the background section before writing the results chapter since it will provide you with a clear vision of what should be written.
Dissertation Conclusion
A dissertation conclusion aims to help the reader understand the theoretical and practical use of your research and its importance for a specific field of study. Keep in mind that a conclusion is not a mere restatement of the points discussed within your dissertation but their synthesis along with the recommendations for further research. For many academic papers, a conclusion requires just two-three paragraphs. However, when it comes to writing a conclusion for a dissertation, a conclusion is a separate chapter that summarizes the scope of research and explains whether the writer has managed to reach his or her goal. Pay attention that a conclusion should not include new information or discussion.
How to Write an Effective Conclusion?
A well-developed conclusion shows to your reader that you understand your research problem perfectly. To write a good conclusion, you need to consider the following information:
Our Custom Dissertation Writing Service
After the thorough study of all the dissertation chapters, you probably realize that this paper is particularly challenging. Undoubtedly, you are familiar with the common techniques like writing your dissertation in fifteen minutes a day or other strategies. If you feel that you don`t have enough time or writing proficiency to work on this paper, it is recommended to hire a skilled and experienced dissertation writer, who knows a lot of specific features of this assignment, as well as possesses many effective tips and secrets that will help you impress your professor with a well-written, structured, and organized paper. We assure you that our writers are fully aware of the importance of creating a totally customized paper in according with your precise requirements. No matter if you need a dissertation proposal, thesis, or a dissertation itself, we will find the relevant specialist with the necessary skills and qualifications to work on your assignment. With the help of our professional team, you will become a confident degree holder ready to broaden the horizons and reach the new career heights. So, what are you waiting for? Place your order now and invest in your future! We guarantee that you will be fully satisfied with the results of cooperation with our reputed custom dissertation writing service!