It is no wonder that many students do not know how to write a research proposal because this type of writing is not as widely assigned as essays, articles, reports or reviews.
Actually, a research proposal is needed only when a student is writing a research paper at the end of the course or semester, and aims to get approval from the professor or academic supervisor. A research proposal is a kind of a shortened version of your future research paper, where you just outline the main topics, areas of study, and the importance of the researched ideas. The length of the research proposal varies depending on the academic writing complexity level, subject, and the type of assignment (whether it is a short research paper or a longer one). Some research proposals are just three or five pages in length, whereas some other research proposals written for thesis papers or dissertations can be up to 30 pages.
The longer a research proposal is, the more ideas it should present. Despite the fact that proposal writing does not entail the very research process, it poses challenges to students. First, they lack time to deal with this assignment properly since they have to combine plenty of different academic assignments. Second, students may lack energy to be able to work on the paper in a consistent and dedicated way. Last but not least, the others may just not know how to write a research proposal. All of these reasons signify that it is a prudent idea to turn to a custom writing service for professional assistance.
What Do I Need to Know about Research Proposal Writing?
Before you start writing your proposal, make sure to go through the following steps:
- investigate the main research objectives;
- identify significance of your research project;
- highlight the main methods that can be used;
- outline the main results and their importance.
How to Structure Your Research Proposal?
- Format the title page according to the formatting guidelines provided to you by your academic supervisor or professor. If there are no clear specifications, make sure you adhere to the formatting standards of your institutional affiliation. Since there are different formatting styles that may be used, opt for the most appropriate research proposal formattingstyle.
- Compose an introduction. Provide some basic information on the research paper topic and its significance (as to why the research should be conducted). End the paragraph with a clear thesis statement, where you present the main research problem or the central argument.
- Provide a review of literature. Here you need to provide a brief overview of sources that correspond to your topic and information from which you can use as your expert evidence. Come up with diverse sources: both primary and secondary ones.
- Further elaborate on the methodology and the conclusions derived from the study. Specify how specific methods will prove to be effective or handy and what results the research will lead to.
Evidently, writing a research proposal is not as easy as it might have seemed at first. So, if you cannot cope with it on your own, it is better to seek expert custom writing help.
Guidance on How to Write a Research Proposal
To start work on your research proposal project, it is essential to take a look at the research proposal outline so that you know how to structure it and develop the ideas. More so, it is recommended to investigate the research area you are providing your research in. This general information will prove to be practical for you in the following ways. After scanning the research area for the possibility to investigate a specific topic, you will know whether there are academic supervisors who can provide you with expert guidance with your project. You will get a clear idea whether you will be able to communicate your ideas across after properly conceptualizing them.

choosing the topic

approach to the research
What Aspects to Consider When Working on the Research Proposal
The format and the mode of your paper organization greatly depends on the subject area as well as on the educational establishment where you study. However, you also need to consider some more specific details:
- Research proposal title. Come up with a brief title that conveys the main idea of the research project that you bear in mind.
- Succinct description of the research project. Provide information what your research is about. Specify the research focus and measure it whether it is realistic enough to be achieved over a specific course of time. Concentrate on the object of your investigation. Formulate a few research questions that will further elaborate on the main concepts of the project.
- Project background and rationale. Specify what needs to be investigated, what will be learned, and what is the reason behind it. It would be recommended to focus on the previous research conducted in this area and review relevant literature.
- Suggested methodology. Describe the very process of topic exploration. How can you find answers to the questions? Do you have some plan of action? Have you analyzed how much time you need to have for the project implementation? How much funding is needed? Bearing all these questions in mind, check feasibility of the project. When coming up with suitable methods, you may consider surveys, evaluations, intervention studies, and smaller exploration studies. Think of the ways of collecting data before the research process. Would you like to take a quantitative or qualitative approach or a mixed version? After you have gathered the necessary data, how would you analyze it further?
- Bibliography. Even though it is not yet a fully composed research project, even on the stage of preparing your proposal, you have to investigate the main sources related to your research field. So, provide a list of sources you have consulted and that have provided some supporting evidence for your arguments.
The abovementioned points are considered to be a kind of a roadmap guiding you through the research proposal writing process. All in all, having a kind of a plan or an outline before the actual writing process will help you avoid confusion or writer’s block throughout the writing process.
The main aspects to think about when you are writing an outline for your research:
- Identify the research question.
- Highlight the significance of the question.
- Explain how you will address the question (i.e. what methods you will use).
- Discuss the importance of the topic and the very research question to the area of studies.
- Discuss how you are going to process and analyze the data obtained.
Expert Research Proposal Example for Free
The research will include a simple quasi-experiment, aimed at finding out how fear and persuasion work in the passing of a message to the general public. Fear as is known, has been one of the main ways used in the past to make people believe in certain things. This study will be used to find out whether the technique still works with public service announcements. The research will aim at showing how fear and persuasion work specifically with policies such as texting and driving.
In order to be effective, the constructs of interest have to be fully understood. One of these constructs in this case is The Impact of High Fear Levels in Public Service Announcements. High fear levels can be explained using a few phenomena. One of these phenomena is the appeal to victimization. In the case of texting while driving, high fear appeal advertisements would be those that threaten people with victimization if they do so.
A good example of a high fear appeal plan is when the announcement uses peers of a driver to show everyone else that the effects of something on friendships are negative. It could be an advertisement showing a person’s peers endorsing him for not texting while driving. It could also be one that shows a person’s peers frowning upon him once they realize that he texts and drives at the same time. The appeal to the public could easily be measured, with some control on the side, where the effects of no advertising at all would be compared.
For this research, the main method that will be used will be a real experiment. The experiment will involve observing a particular set of people about how they view fear when it is used to prevent them from texting while driving. In this experiment, specific groups of people will be observed. The ages of these people will be considered. For example, the sample size of groups of people will be people aged above 25 years versus those aged below 25 years. All these people need to drive and own a cell phone. The sample size could also be aim at showing the difference in education levels impact on the fear appeal. Here, people with at least a college education will be compared to those without a college education. Gender could also be used where the fear appeal effect in males and females is compared. In all these cases, a control group of people who are not subjected to the conditions should be present. The methods that will be used will include questionnaires and interviews, both before exposure to fear inducing video and after. Honesty from the participants will be encouraged in this case...
Buy a Research Proposal
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