How to Submit

When you submit an essay to our database, you are helping other students become better writers and researchers.  When others can see samples of academically-sound works, they can then study and review them as they produce their own works.  You also benefit from the work of others, so this entire process and database provide a “two-way” street.

Please Remember the Following:

  • When you submit an essay or paper, you are giving us permission to place your work on our database and to make it available to others.
  • This work you submit must be original.  Do not plagiarize or violate copyright laws.
  • You are helping other students.  You are not violating any academic honesty standards.  You are sharing your thoughts, research, and concepts with others who can benefit, and you have every right to do so!

If you are swapping one of your essays or papers for one that is on the database, please be certain to add your essay in the box indicated for “cut and paste.”  You may then retrieve the paper you wish.  The other boxes are completely optional, because they are used as credits.  There is also a “shout out” box, in which you may place advice or tips to other students, or provide a dedication of your work to someone.  Say whatever you wish, avoiding, of course, any profanity.
